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REPS Overview

Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) is a South Australian government initiative to reduce the carbon foot print in Australia, save the planet from Global Warming.

In turn, businesses save on energy use and costs.

Through this scheme any small to medium size enterprise can substitute high consuming Metal Halide, Mercury Vapour, Halogen or environmentally hazardous florescent lamps for no cost at all or at a highly subsidised rate with LED lights such as LED high bays, tubes and downlights.

So here’s your chance to protect the environment and reduce your carbon foot print – whilst saving on electricity bills!

Business Invest

Businesses invest in better technology to reduce their energy use.


Energy savings certificates are generated through the reduction in energy use.

Energy Retailers Purchase

Liable parties such as electricity retailers buy energy savings certificates.

Businesses Benefit

The cost of energy savings certificates is returned to the businesses who generate them.

Working with E-lite to benefit from REPS

Free Energy Saving Assessment

We provide free energy saving assessments and can recommend solutions that save up to 50% off your total current energy costs!

E-lite provides energy usage assessments to isolate areas of your business that could benefit from energy saving technology.

Your energy assessment is conducted by one of our qualified technicians using specialised equipment that assess specific areas of energy usage such as lighting and air-conditioning.

From that assessment we provide a report and recommend a strategy to minimise your energy cost using specific technology best suited to your business needs.

SA Energy Saving Assessment

We will contact you to make arrangements

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We have a dedicated team of engineers and licensed technicians that will deliver and install your energy saving solutions

We have a team of qualified engineers, technicians, electricians and specialised trades people that both install and service energy saving technology in your premises.

Installations are conducted with minimum impact to your operating environment and in most cases are finished within 24hrs.

All installations are conducted using ISO accredited systems and are certified to ensure your equipment is working correctly, and that our solutions are maximising the savings to you businesses.


Up to 75% off your lighting costs – which can represent a 50% saving off your overall current energy costs.

Plus government rebates so you can save also save on the installation costs.

Whilst reducing your environmental impact!

LED lighting

Lighting technology – as used in LED High Bay lights or LED Downlights, produce a better quality of light than traditional forms of lighting such as fluorescent and incandescent, contains no toxic substances or glass – and will last up to 10 times longer (50,000 hrs)!

LED Lighting Benefits :

  • Reduces energy costs – uses at least 75% less energy than standard lighting
  • Reduces maintenance costs – lasts for 50,000 hrs, no bulb-replacements, no ladders, no ongoing disposal program
  • Safe and durable — won’t break like a bulb, no toxic substances (mercury)
  • Less heat- lower air-conditioning costs
  • Instantly turns on- no waiting
ESS Commercial Lighting

Example of reduced lighting energy consumption: Subsidised LED High Bay lights